Monday, December 22, 2008


I generally don't have enough going on to do more than one post a day but I am pretty furious right now. There are days at work that are just lovely either because of good times with the co-workers or because of relatively easy guests. Well today was NOT one of those days.

I was having a peaceful day, it was really slow and I was catching up on my favorite blogs, enjoying peace and quiet for a change. Until the biggest A-hole decided that he had days to ruin, and not much day left to do it in. He called wanting to make a reservation, and like so many other entitled bastards, believed he shouldn't have to talk to our reservations department. Now let me explain something here, because it seems to be a constant source of confusion and contention with people calling into hotels to get reservations.

If I could make reservations or more specifically if I had the time to make reservations and if making reservations happened to be apart of my job description, why oh why would there be an entirely different department called reservations? Why would any company pay more salaries than necessary if they only needed one department to do a job? I am not in reservations, and I don't make them. It's not that I can't, it's simply not my job and surprise, surprise, I usually have other things I have to get done, things that I actually get paid to do.

But, I digress, this guy whom I'll call Spot (rhymes with and sounds like) decided that he was too freaking important, so I should drop everything and take care of his needs. After I stopped the internal laughter, I transferred him to our in-house reservations department (see: the department set up to deal with self deluded, entitled cry babies that think the sun rises and sets on their asses). Shortly after, I got a call from the head of this department, a really delightful lady, who called to ask if we had certain accommodations, because Spot told her we did. She was really confused, she's been to this property, she knows the amenities, and knows how everything is laid out and wanted to know if there had been changes since the last time she visited. While I assured her that Spot was an idiot and had us confused with someone else he hung up on her. We both shrugged if off as just another misinformed, sanctimonious fool.

That was until he called me back, and launched into a tirade about how I wasted his time, and that I transferred him to someone who clearly didn't know anything about the property. I admit, I'm a feisty one and I am usually up for a good fight, especially when you're a jerk and I'm right. However in this case I just wanted this idiot to SHUT THE HECK UP.

It was almost comical as he went on and on, not realizing that he had us mixed up with another property, and I didn't care to correct him. Then he made the ubiquitous threat that is meant to make us "small peons" tremble in our boots. He demanded to know my name, and to speak to my manager, again I tried to suppress the laughter tightly wound around my increasing rage.

First off, that is the oldest trick in the book, and the only response it elicits from me is annoyed humor. I'm not afraid of your stupid threats, I'll provide the email address and number to our CEO or whoever else you want to talk to. Think about it my managers know me, they don't know you, and most of my managers are long time friends. You matter to them only because they are going to have to waste time waxing BS trying to make you feel better about yourself. Trust Me, the only thing they feel about your bitching is intense annoyance.

The next time you pick a fight with someone Spot make sure you're right, and save the petty threats and bullying for the school yard.

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