Thursday, December 25, 2008

The Reason For The Season

Merry Christmas Everyone!! Wishing you and yours a happy Holiday.

Monday, December 22, 2008


I generally don't have enough going on to do more than one post a day but I am pretty furious right now. There are days at work that are just lovely either because of good times with the co-workers or because of relatively easy guests. Well today was NOT one of those days.

I was having a peaceful day, it was really slow and I was catching up on my favorite blogs, enjoying peace and quiet for a change. Until the biggest A-hole decided that he had days to ruin, and not much day left to do it in. He called wanting to make a reservation, and like so many other entitled bastards, believed he shouldn't have to talk to our reservations department. Now let me explain something here, because it seems to be a constant source of confusion and contention with people calling into hotels to get reservations.

If I could make reservations or more specifically if I had the time to make reservations and if making reservations happened to be apart of my job description, why oh why would there be an entirely different department called reservations? Why would any company pay more salaries than necessary if they only needed one department to do a job? I am not in reservations, and I don't make them. It's not that I can't, it's simply not my job and surprise, surprise, I usually have other things I have to get done, things that I actually get paid to do.

But, I digress, this guy whom I'll call Spot (rhymes with and sounds like) decided that he was too freaking important, so I should drop everything and take care of his needs. After I stopped the internal laughter, I transferred him to our in-house reservations department (see: the department set up to deal with self deluded, entitled cry babies that think the sun rises and sets on their asses). Shortly after, I got a call from the head of this department, a really delightful lady, who called to ask if we had certain accommodations, because Spot told her we did. She was really confused, she's been to this property, she knows the amenities, and knows how everything is laid out and wanted to know if there had been changes since the last time she visited. While I assured her that Spot was an idiot and had us confused with someone else he hung up on her. We both shrugged if off as just another misinformed, sanctimonious fool.

That was until he called me back, and launched into a tirade about how I wasted his time, and that I transferred him to someone who clearly didn't know anything about the property. I admit, I'm a feisty one and I am usually up for a good fight, especially when you're a jerk and I'm right. However in this case I just wanted this idiot to SHUT THE HECK UP.

It was almost comical as he went on and on, not realizing that he had us mixed up with another property, and I didn't care to correct him. Then he made the ubiquitous threat that is meant to make us "small peons" tremble in our boots. He demanded to know my name, and to speak to my manager, again I tried to suppress the laughter tightly wound around my increasing rage.

First off, that is the oldest trick in the book, and the only response it elicits from me is annoyed humor. I'm not afraid of your stupid threats, I'll provide the email address and number to our CEO or whoever else you want to talk to. Think about it my managers know me, they don't know you, and most of my managers are long time friends. You matter to them only because they are going to have to waste time waxing BS trying to make you feel better about yourself. Trust Me, the only thing they feel about your bitching is intense annoyance.

The next time you pick a fight with someone Spot make sure you're right, and save the petty threats and bullying for the school yard.

We're Not Alone

OK so if you have ever wondered if guys fall into the same dating traps we do, then read this it'll provide a ridiculously satisfying answer. Thanks SO It feels so freaking good to know I'm not the only one.

It's the little things

O.K. folks this one has been coming for a looooong time there are just certain things that annoy the heck outta me every freaking day behind the front desk. 1st when you check into the hotel, and I greet you with a "Hi how are you", you respond either by telling me your last name, or tossing a credit card at me (more on that in a minute). I believe the correct response to "Hi how are you" is "I'm good" or "I'm tired" or something that describes an emotion or conveys your mood, not your name. Don't be rude, respond appropriately.

Secondly tossing your credit card at me. This happens all day everyday, and while it seems to be the disease of men, I have female wrist flickers as well.

Does it make you feel important to slide the card across the table, as if you're just too cool to hand it to me? I can see the look on your face of practiced nonchalance as if you're a professional jet setter and common courtesy is just soooo beyond you. I particularly enjoy when you pretend you don't hear me say I need to see your Picture I.D., and on occasion feign injury as if I've just accused you of murder.

In this day and age with identity theft rampant, I find it comical that you are insulted by my request. I've even had a couple of you go as far as saying that you will take your business elsewhere. Really people, really? I'll call you a freaking cab because you're an idiot.

If your card was stolen and used at our hotel you'd be outraged that we allowed some random to check in without looking at an I.D. Get over yourself!!!. I've requested I.D. from celebrities before, and they don't complain, trust me you're not that important.

Then there is the issue of valet, now this is a double edged sword of contention. The first part is that you think it's ludicrous that you have to pay for Valet, and that you have to pay quite a bit for it. I admit it kinda sucks, but then so does taxes. No matter how much you pay for your room, it's not included. No amount of bitching is going to rectify that, so shut up and pay for it or park off property and walk. Those are your options, deal with it.

The second thing is coming to the front desk and asking me for your car. Now if you call from your room and ask for it, that's entirely different, but if you come down to the lobby.....why do you come to the front desk to ask for your car, particularly when the valet person is standing right behind you. I didn't park it, I don't know where it is, and I can't get it for you. There isn't a parking lot in the office behind me so stop being lazy and give the ticket to the person who can help you.

At the end of the day, don't underestimate courtesy, these tiny things can be the difference between my going beyond the call of duty for you, or my complete lack of indifference, ( i.e. the reason it takes 4 hours for you to get a toothbrush before your morning meeting). Sure you'll still get service, but that's what I'm paid to do. You have no idea how much better your stay could be and how many niceties that aren't offered to you regularly that might become available if you exercise a little courtesy.

Friday, December 5, 2008

In 5,4,3,2,1 Read

This semester has flown by, and it was a long, hard haul. Learning how to shoot and edit video properly, endless work hours, and doing endless homework. I bitched and whined, slept too little, gained a pound or two, got sick, well I'm still sick; and gave up any semblance of a social life, oh yes and I whined some more. But at the end of the day, it was all worth it, after busting my butt all semester to learn how to put together a show, an actual news program; in a control room of my peers we aired a news program on the economy. We all worked disgustingly hard on and it, and I had the pleasure of producing. It was the most intense half hour of my life; but when it was all said and done, and we closed the show I was floating on cloud 9. I never in all my wildest dreams imagined that anything would feel so right, that I would actually feel this accomplished . All the mornings I cursed having to be awake at 5:00 a.m. to learn the positions in the control room, and write stories before my brain even started to function, all the interviews I chased down, all hours spent editing, rolling cable, manning camera's, learning to produce, all the tears I shed when I failed on the road. ALL OF IT, SO WORTH IT. I have spontaneously burst into tears on more than one occasion over the past few days. It could be the stress, or it could be that for the first time ever, I know exactly what I was meant to do.

Thursday, December 4, 2008

My Heart Lies

There is something about women that makes us vunerable to men who are wounded. You know that guy that you know is bad for you but, the moment he gives you the slightest amount of attention makes you weak kneed and stupid. The kind that even when, for all intents and purposes, you are completely over them can somehow worm their way back into your heart, and mind and put you in a place that you pity other women for being in.

Well I'm there right now, at least I'm teetering on the edge. I want more than anything for this person to be successful, to be happy, to become everything wonderful I know they could be if only they would order up some humility, with a side of honesty..hold the BS of course. And in that desire, and that need, I am pulled in. I already walked down this road with this person, but my head was so far in clouds dreaming of the possibilities that I completely forgot that wounded means he has issues, tons and tons of issues. Issues that phyco-analyze as I might I could not even begin to understand or deal with.

I can sometimes be idealistic enough to believe that love can conquer all, not that what we had was love, but I like most people, hoped that any relationship would lead to that sort of transformative love that moves mountains and changes you forever. Then reality hit when one of his issues caused him to do something pretty unforgivable, and another kept him from realizing what a jerk he had been. Fast forward a couple months, I think I've been broken enough and remade enough to handle his re-entry into my life, we talked, there were apologies, nostalgia and hope. Now, I'm moving from love concurring all, to Sainthood, I just know he can still be helped.

I'm different, and more connected with my sense of purpose in this world, and committed to growing as a person which eliminates having romantic feelings for this person. But the longing to see him succeed, and be a better person stands. I was too busy being Mother Teresa to remember that as a woman with an inclination toward savior behavior, and past feelings for this person; that I am just a woman, vulnerable, and still optimistic about love and all that it means when the right one comes along. Thankfully God didn't forget, and he gave me a big whopping kicker of a reminder today; there is someone else.

Whoa I did not expect the flutters of disappointment, not when just yesterday I was congratulating myself on how far I'd come, and how glad I was not to have feelings for him any more; partially because we are forming a tentative friendship, that is far more rewarding. Foiled again, oh how my heart lies, I'm glad I know that I was disillusioned, and that I really am on the edge of a cliff. I can now take a deep breath, and walk away from the edge. I still think there is something I can do to be a better example, than what he has around him, and I still hope we're building a positive relationship. But instead of believing love can conquer all, I believe if I keep my eyes fixed on God and less on his hurt being healed by something I do or don't do; I think this new friendship might just end up healing us both.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Thanks for What?

Last night I spent truly magical time with my little group of friends here in Dallas. We drank an obscene amount of wine, and enjoyed a truly delicious feast. Looking back on last night, I started to ponder what exactly is it I have to be grateful for. The economy is crap, I'm a broke college student, a little fed up and tired of working in a place where some of the wealthiest people I know complain about things like their vacation home being ruined by a hurricane, and the world over, governments are committing awful crimes against their own people. I have to wonder what has the world come to? Even in a time of such uncertainty I am grateful for my family. My mom, whose sacrifices have made it possible for me to live a better life and contribute more than she has been able to, which is remarkable because her life's dedication has been to the minds of future leaders. My friends both new and old who have loved me through trials of every kind, and with whom I share "pee in your pants" laugh marathons that make life a joy. The opportunity to go to an amazing school with professors whose dedication and experience will make me a formidable force in whatever venue I take my talents. A job in times when job security is a luxury, A roof over my head, food on my table and the grace and mercy of a God whose unfailing nature and love transcends "religion", "region"," economic background", past and present. As for what the world is coming to, I like to think about it like an Alcoholic loved one; someone who has allowed the darkness around to pull them down into a seemingly incurable malignancy, but who with a bit of self awareness, a willingness to see themselves as apart of something bigger, a systematic plan to make amends and deal head-on with the issues, will rise again and perhaps be far wiser and kinder, than had they never walked through the darkness. Here's a song to a week with ton's to be grateful for.

Friday, November 14, 2008

Business Men gone Wild

OK Guys, I get it you're away on an extended business conference and you meet other men who like you, are so excited to be in a nice hotel free of charge, and free of your significant other for a few days. So you get together toss back a few, and laugh about really obnoxious things. I get it you're a man and that's what men do when they get together. There comes a moment when you can walk across that thin line of rip roaring good times to asinine juvenile not since you were a freshman in college rushing a fraternity behavior, and too often I see you cross that line with gusto.

One such boy/man made that decision with far reaching consequences this past week. He drank and drank and drank and laughed harder than I'd ever heard anyone laugh before, he chased sexy young co-eds out the door of our lobby with his compadres and had a mini photo shoot with his boys. Well after the fun had died down a bit he went to the restroom to have some quiet time, where our rather irate Valet found him with his pants around his legs with the door to his stall wide open. We predicted that he'd probably pass out and kill himself causing a Hugh liabilities suite to descend on our innocent Hotel.

Well after a few moments I heard his slightly more sober associate ask him if he was OK, his garbled response came back "yes", the associate then asked "well why are you lying on the floor?" Crap I thought, at least he didn't die no lawsuit today. After he was lead away to his room, our Valet went back to the restroom where he discovered the most vile and unimaginable thing. It seems our friend at some point during his bathroom visit lost control of his bowels, and pooped in his underoo's, which he then deposited in the toilet bowl, not before leaving some more brown waste on the toilet seat itself. I was pisssssed! There are sweet people who have to clean behind you jerk face!! When you leave your hotel room, magic pixie's don't appear to clean it. The hotel is maintained by hard working staff who have kids, friends and family to take care of and don't deserve to have to clean up your biohazard, putrid waste.

This"adult" business man never apologized or left a tip for the cleaning staff, I suspect it was because he was near death when it happened, and had no recollection, but neither did his boozing friend who discovered him. He will however, forever remain the pooped pants man to all on staff and to everyone is our neighboring hotels.

Let this serve as a cautionary tale to you men out there on your own, having a drink and getting in trouble. You may get away with it, you may not, but rest assured we'll be toasting to your stupidity and spreading your tales afar for a long time to come. And yes the reason I have a smirk on my face , and there is endless giggling or sudden silence when you walk into the Lobby, is in fact because we know what you did last night.

Monday, November 10, 2008

I'm not Ok

Its rainy and dark in Dallas, which is perfect because I feel grayed out and disillusioned today. I'm not a big dater, and I very rarely crush and when I do meet someone I'm interested in I generally proceed with caution. But there have been a few times where I had ignored my better judgement, or given into loneliness and made decisions I wish I hadn't; and it almost always those mistakes that follow me around like a lost puppy.

Yesterday I was contacted by one such mistake by both text and email. This "event" was a short lived, hugely unfulfilling experience that I rarely think about, and I am always a little surprised took place when it does pop into mind. I made it clear to this person I thought we were not meant to be anything more than acquaintances..but he missed the message and is trying to pick up where we left off. To make matters worse another person who I was recently really hurt by (should have gone with my initial gut instinct about this one) is coming back into my life in a really unavoidable way.

It's distressing to me on several levels first because in both situations I purposely separated myself from both individuals because I needed space, both to heal and get on with my life, second because these are guys that I don't want to pursue any kind of relationship with now or in the future, especially with guy number 2; the vortex of selfishness. I'm all about forgiving because its necessary to forgive someone in order to move on, but I find that being forgetful sometimes allows mistakes to repeat themselves.

It makes me really sad to have an abundance of men I don't want in my life, all the while hoping to meet guys of substance who have grown up and stopped acting like Frat boys, guys who have integrity and are Friends first then lovers, guys who are kind and want to leave a positive mark on the world. I know I've said over and over again that it's fine, that I can handle having to deal with the heart breaker again, and that I know there has to be some lesson in it for me from God...but for right now... just for tonight. I'm not OK.

Sunday, November 9, 2008

How Do You Get Through Life?

I will never cease to be amazed by the absolute absurd nature of the guests in my Hotel. Honestly you'd think that studying and immersing myself in human rights would be where I would confront most of the negative aspects of human nature but noooo, not so friends. I've seen pettiness, greed, condescension, violence,and just unbelievably cruel mean streaks. All from behind a reception desk. But my favorite thing of all time (and by favorite I mean not) is the complete helplessness and co-dependency of grown, supposedly successful and mature adults that ask, cry, and bitch about things that a 12 year old can do.

When I go to another city, I always look up things I want to see, check to see what the weather is like, and find out about public transportation if I'm not driving. At the very least I find out where my hotel is. All this probably seems like common sense, but the amount of people who call the hotel from the airport to find out how to get to the Hotel, and even more where it is..... is ASTOUNDING. I've had people call and ask me for directions from Houston, for those of you unfamiliar with Houston its another major city in Texas located 4 hours away from Dallas. I've had people from New Orleans, another freaking state, call and ask for directions. Hello Dum Dum's its called Map quest, don't get into your car and then call for directions that's stupid, Oh and don't get pissed off because I don't know how to get from every major city in the United States to Dallas. Texas is a big freaking place, I've lived here for 10 years and I still need maps occasionally. Another thing is getting to the airport then calling to ask me to call you a cab...ARE YOU FREAKING KIDDING ME!! Every Major airport including DFW has a cab area, or shuttle and if you can't find it there are a thousand kiosks with helpful costumer service agents to help you. I would like to point out that by the time I've called you a cab, and they find someone pseudo close to the airport, and the driver has driven there, you would have been half way to the Hotel. Be prepared, know where you are going and for the Love of God brush off and use the common sense I know must be buried deep in the recesses of your brain

For the Very First Time

I'm so excited to share my thoughts, and the Random happenings in life with all of you. My roommate CC (whose blog you must visit: forkintheroadcc) has been encouraging me to find an outlet for all the craziness I ponder on a daily basis, but I didn't want to start out on a negetive note, it seemed everytime I had something to say it wasn't good. However after a rather frustrating day I agreed. If you stick with me I promise not to use the forum soley for angry ranting, mostly because of the ridiculous people I deal with at work. I hope in the future that something I feel or do will resonate personally with you. Maybe make you laugh out loud, cry a little, or gain a better understanding of the world and how you move in it. Maybe you just need to be distracted at work or from life. Heck I need more than a few Hail Mary's and a drizzling of Holy Water just to walk through the front doors of my Hotel, and I'm not Catholic. Anyway please feel free to share with me and other people that may visit. Thanks for checking in and Happy Blogging.