Sunday, November 16, 2008

Thanks for What?

Last night I spent truly magical time with my little group of friends here in Dallas. We drank an obscene amount of wine, and enjoyed a truly delicious feast. Looking back on last night, I started to ponder what exactly is it I have to be grateful for. The economy is crap, I'm a broke college student, a little fed up and tired of working in a place where some of the wealthiest people I know complain about things like their vacation home being ruined by a hurricane, and the world over, governments are committing awful crimes against their own people. I have to wonder what has the world come to? Even in a time of such uncertainty I am grateful for my family. My mom, whose sacrifices have made it possible for me to live a better life and contribute more than she has been able to, which is remarkable because her life's dedication has been to the minds of future leaders. My friends both new and old who have loved me through trials of every kind, and with whom I share "pee in your pants" laugh marathons that make life a joy. The opportunity to go to an amazing school with professors whose dedication and experience will make me a formidable force in whatever venue I take my talents. A job in times when job security is a luxury, A roof over my head, food on my table and the grace and mercy of a God whose unfailing nature and love transcends "religion", "region"," economic background", past and present. As for what the world is coming to, I like to think about it like an Alcoholic loved one; someone who has allowed the darkness around to pull them down into a seemingly incurable malignancy, but who with a bit of self awareness, a willingness to see themselves as apart of something bigger, a systematic plan to make amends and deal head-on with the issues, will rise again and perhaps be far wiser and kinder, than had they never walked through the darkness. Here's a song to a week with ton's to be grateful for.

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